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A line up of cute food characters with happy faces (a leek, egg, chicken and banana) with the headline: Let's Crack on to No. 1.

Wales is 2nd in the world at recycling

But this spring, we’re going for gold! Ready to help us take the top spot? Take the pledge and win a delicious Welsh prize.

Rescuing your food from the rubbish is the top action you can take to help boost Wales to No.1 - by using up all the food you buy and recycling what you can't eat.

I pledge to rescue my food from the rubbish bin to help get Wales to No. 1:

  • By wasting less food – making the most of the food I buy in quick and easy dishes that help save time and money (we’ll show you how).

  • By recycling whatever I can’t eat – like eggshells, banana peels and veg stalks – to help create renewable energy and boost Wales to No. 1 in the world at recycling.

More mighty ways to save food

More taste, less waste! 6 mighty dishes to save you time and money

More taste, less waste! 6 mighty dishes to save you time and money

Did you know that the average household of four are wasting £84 of food a month?

Find out more